Tuesday, August 25, 2020

"International Exhibition 2020" at The Glasgow Gallery of Photography

I mentioned in my July "monthly challenge" post that I just had a piece accecpted to an international juried exhibition. It was called the "International Exhibition 2020" (or IE2020) at The Glasgow Gallery of Photography in Scotland. Here are a few photos of the installation from their Facebook page:

[click on each image to enlarge]

There's my image.

Again, mine's in the middle of the top row of "colorful" images right-of-center.

Visible again.

Mine in the top right.

This was the image on display. It was an image I made just last month of the Stone Arch Bridge, the Southeast Steam Plant, and the I-35W Bridge over the Mississippi River at 4:50 a.m., and now it's on display across the Atlantic:

I'd love to use this as an excuse to visit Scotland, but alas... COVID-19...

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