Thursday, August 06, 2020

Monthly Challenge 7 of 12: Nothing Specific

Summer is being summer. I've taken my boys camping a few times. We visited my mother-in-law at her cabin. We spent some time with my Grandma in her cabin. (And we self-isolated for the 2 weeks between those trips to make sure we weren't going to pass COVID-19 onto my eldery Grandma.) And I've been getting a ton of house projects done.

But I didn't do anything specific for July's photography challenge.

But there are 2 things I can share:

First, I got a piece accepted to an international juried exhibition in Scotland later this month:

Email notice with an image made last month.
(Follow me on Instagram at PhotoStenzel to see recent work.)

And second, it looks like I'll be teaching at another university this fall (in addition to Hamline University).

More on both of those things shortly... once I have more info on both.

So even though July's official challenge might be a little of a let-down, I'm still super happy that I'm doing this "monthly challenge" thing for the year. It really keeps me churning for new goals, making new work, learning new things, reading new books, etc. EVEN IF I didn't do something super specific this past month.

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