Tuesday, September 15, 2020

"Nerdy Week" and a Gift From My Boss

Last week, I posted this on Instagram:

I’m hoarse from speaking loudly through my mask and over the A/C in my long classroom, but this will forever be one of my favorite days of teaching. Also, I couldn’t gather my entire class around 1 small table to discuss these old photos (we sighed as we talked about the innocence of pre-COVID), so I put them on the back ledge and paraded my students past to see them. #EverythingHasChanged #TeachingStillHappens #RemoteOrInPerson #WeCanFindAWay #WereAllInThisTogether

And to be clear, *that day* wasn’t my favorite day ever, but each semester, *this discussion* of camera functions is always a (nerdy) blast.

Also, I had a goody box waiting for me:

That's a handful of disposable masks, a nice cloth reuseable mask, my own white board eraser, 2 of my own white board markers, and a pack of sanitizing wipes. There's (obviously) a big list of extra precautions every university is taking, and among ours are students and faculty being masked, no sharing of white board markers or erasers, and wiping down computers/offices before and after using them.

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