Friday, May 07, 2021

iPhone Photos from a North Shore Trip

I shared some photos last month shot with my Holga from my North Shore trip in late March. Here are a few (shown chronologically) shot with my iPhone 12 and the "silvertone" filter.

[click each image to enlarge]

A beach in Two Harbors

Two Harbors

Just below Gooseberry Falls

Black Beach

Black Beach

Sugarloaf Cove

Sugarloaf Cove

Sugarloaf Cove

Near Artist's Point in Grand Marais

Grand Marais

Grand Marais

Grand Marais

Back at Sugarloaf Cove (the back side)

The back side of Sugarloaf Cove

The back side of Sugarloaf Cove

A gale warning in Grand Marais

Hwy 61 from the Cascade River

Cascade Falls

Pools of water below Cascade Falls

Related: check out my first test of the "silvertone" filter and the wide angle lens along the Mississippi River from just after I got my new phone 2 months ago. And here are more North Shore photos that I shot with my Holga.

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