Saturday, July 10, 2021

Holga Quotes

I miss working with my Holga. And when we went to "remote learning" last year, I had to scrap my Holga-based project in my Advanced Photo class. Anyway, here are some fun "Holga quotes" I found on FreestylePhoto:

"Take your Holga out for a ride. Stop often. Play."
- Kit Frost, Professional Photographer

"Mechanically the Holga is simplicity itself. The nature of the Holga places emphasis on seeing, thinking, and interacting with the environment at hand."
- Joe Ostraff, Professor, BYU

"The Holga summons up Dadaist traditions of chance, surprise, and willingness to see what can happen."
- Robert Hirsch, Photographic Historian, in his book Photographic Possibilities

"As for the Holga, I like using it and making my students use it, because it encourages the photographer to concentrate on his/her relationship with the subject without technology getting in the way. The resulting images depend on the photographer's presence (of mind and body)."
- Lesley Krane, educator at California State University, Northridge

"As the Koordinator of the Krappy Kamera Competition, I've seen thousands of images produced with this camera. I am always awed by the variety of images that can be produced with such minimal equipment."
- Sandy Carrion, Coordinator of the Krappy Kamera Competition

"I still have the first Holga I ever bought back in 1988. I loved it then and still do, especially with black and white film."
- Julia Dean, founder of the Julia Dean Photographic Workshops

"I love my Holgas and I have eight of them. As a designer and art director, I have used Holga cameras on many photo shoots and clients love the different effects!"
- Randy Thomas, Founder, Randy Thomas Design Agency

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