Thursday, December 09, 2021

"Open Studios 2021" at Hamline University

Last night was "Open Studios" at Hamline University. The Art Department and the Digital Media Arts (DMA) Department show off their student work and their spaces throughout the university. I stopped by with one of my sons to look around:

Printmaking studio.

A printmaking joke.

A painting classroom upstairs.

Upon entering the DMA area, the first room is for audio work.

The new classroom that I'll be teaching in.

Dave talking with a student.

Another classroom view from near the instructor's station. Laptops and soldering irons abound.

Curt in the DMA printshop, doing some letterpress work with guests.

Book cover design.

Movie poster design.

The new DMA space is right next to a large former lounge space (down the hall on the left of this image).

Design work.

There's another computer lab down there that I didn't photograph (used for more programming-like classes), along with a large alcove that has two 3D printers in it.

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