Thursday, January 20, 2022

Solo Show Closing In...

I have just a few more prints to make for the exhibition next month (all images that won't be framed), and everything else is coming along. Here are a few quick pics from the last 2 weeks:

Henry showing off one of my bigger framed pieces. Precariously.

Printing a few smaller images last week.

I figured out what I needed for my last few framed pieces
this past weekend, and I'm waiting on a few final matboards.

That binder on the left contains all my information about the exhibition. It's where I tracked all possible ideas, the 4 different possible layouts I had for the space, and any other info. All of the sheets laying out in the first images of the post last month where I announced this exhibition are in there. I like to have a small binder for every little project where I can collate my ideas and progression.

Scroll back through recent posts for more on the exhibition, or check out these links: announcing my solo exhibition, framing up smaller work, and my image on the "Art and Design" flyer for Concordia University.

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