Thursday, February 10, 2022

Final Solo Exhibition Prep

Here are 2 pics from my last 2 days of work (you can click them to enlarge).

Yesterday, I spent all morning triming down prints that will be unframed and shown behind glass:

And this morning, I made a few final prints as I noticed I had 1 frame that still wasn't used:

Two of the 4 options (17"x22" prints).

I'll be dropping off 90% of my work later today at the gallery. I'll be helping layout and set up the exhibition in about a week (so stay tuned for more on that, because I'm really exicted about that day!), and then the opening is 2 weeks away: Feb 24 from 5-7 pm (with an artist's talk at 5:30 pm). See the postcard here.

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