Sunday, February 20, 2022

Hanging Work for my "4 a.m." Exhibition

I dropped off the last of my work at Concordia Gallery on Thursday morning, and then I came back that afternoon to lay things out with the gallery director. I had mapped a few options out for the longest wall and was curious what she would have to say:

Some options/thoughts done to scale.

Early Friday morning, I posted this on Instagram:

Here’s a sneak peek at the entrance to the Concordia Gallery at Concordia University. Yesterday, I arranged 44 pieces with the gallery director. The opening is just under a week away!

I stopped by with a bigger sheet of plexi on Friday afternoon, and the hanging had just started:

A view from the 2nd floor.

A view from the 3rd floor.

My boys were with me when I was there Friday afternoon, and we looked around for a bit. We found a favorite name from CVA in the lower level:

John's the Chair of the Art & Design Department.

Darkroom/Cate's office with my postcard (left of center) and
the yearly flyer with my image on the bottom (lower left).

The red postcard is from a CVA exhibition at Concordia 5 years ago (see here, here,
and here), and below that is my image on their "Art & Design" mailer for this year.

The opening is Thursday, Feb 24th from 5-7 p.m. (Here's the Facebook event if you're interested.) I'm giving a quick talk around 5:30 p.m. as well.

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