Tuesday, March 22, 2022

Concordia Gallery's Photos from the Opening Reception of "4 a.m."

Last night, the Concordia Gallery posted this on their Instagram page (which is @cspgallery):

"Last week to visit Steve Stenzel's wonderful 4AM exhibition. Last day is Friday, March 25. Masks are now optional."

And here were some images they shared: [click each image to enlarge]

I love this because the 3 people in here are a trainer from my gym,
a former student of mine, and a friend from high school.

I'm so thankful to everyone who came to the opening, and I'm glad I got to see these photos of people enjoying my work. I actually hardly moved around the gallery at all at the opening as people were constantly coming up to me. It was strange and wonderful.

Many MANY recent posts are about the exhibtion and the prep to get to this point, but here are a few related links going back in time: a bit about the opening reception, getting ready to hang my work, some final prep, and printing some images.

The show comes down on Friday night! So see it in the next few days if you'd like: 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. through Friday!

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