Tuesday, March 01, 2022

The Opening Reception for "4 a.m."

Last Thursday night was the opening of my exhibition "4 a.m." at the Concordia Gallery. It was truly amazing. Here's what I posted the next morning on Facebook:

And here are bigger versions of those photos:

Shortly after my talk, with my wife on the far left.

A photo my wife took during my artist's talk.

After the reception was over, we snapped a family pic!

Some tasty treats at Cafe Latte afterwards.

Here's the other photo I took at the opening that I teased Brie about because she walked right into it:


As I was being introduced by Cate Vermeland for my artist's talk, my brother-in-law snapped a photo of the corner of the gallery where my family and I were hanging out:

Thanks Jon! (And for the heartfelt intro, Cate!)

I had a handful of former students there (mostly from CVA), but one from Hamline posted these 4 photos afterwards:

Thanks Felicia!

Here's a pic of my folks and I after the opening:

Thanks for coming up, Mom and Dad!

A very kind message from my uncle and aunt who were there as well.

Oh, and here are 4 final pics from the day before the opening. The first 2 posted here I shared in this post the morning of the opening, but I never shared the next 2:

I joked in the post the morning of the opening that you'd have to come to the opening to see all the photos. Even in those last 4 photos above, I still didn't get every photograph shown. Oh well... I guess you'll still have to just stop by the gallery and see it for yourself...

At the end of the night, a handful of us were kicked out of the gallery as it was closing time (the sign of a successful event). I said goodbye to a few old CVA friends who I was chatting with in the gallery, and then I stayed outside of the gallery and talked to a former professor/co-worker and former students from CVA:

This post jumped around a bit, but I just had some images I wanted to share. Thank you to everyone who came out on Thursday night. It was very special to me.

The exhibition is up through March 25th, M-F, 10-4 pm, Concordia Gallery: 1301 Marshall Ave, St. Paul, MN 55104.

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