Sunday, April 24, 2022

'Directorial Mode' Images

My Digital Photography II class has some work hung in the hallway outside of our classroom. It's from the "Directorial Mode" project. Here's the text that's hanging along with the prints:

For this assignment, students created 4 final images that lend themselves to the idea of what A.D. Coleman calls the “Directorial Mode.” In his essay he writes: “The work of every photographer describes a unique, personalized version of the universe shaped by that photographer's sensibility and intentions. In the imagery of those who choose to function directorially, this shaping is more aggressively done...”

So these students “aggressively” shaped their images, controlling all aspects of what appears on the print.

More from Coleman: “The directorial mode challenges our long cherished assumptions about the transparency of the photograph, its purported neutrality, its presumed objectivity; insistently undermining the credibility of the photograph, it puts the image in question.”

Students “put their image in question” and created 4 highly controlled photographs. They printed one of their 4 final images on 17” roll paper, and those are the images displayed here.

And here are some photos of their work.

[click each image for a larger version]

And here are a few of their individual images:

A. Stromdahl did seperate compositions about 4 different musical artists.

M. Randall composed this image in her bathroom.

These next two are cut paper illustraions by A. Lindner where
she Photoshopped herself into the 4 seasons. This is summer...

... and this is spring.

K. Hart showed herself doing everyday things along side her dog. Here's eating lunch...

... and working on homework.

L. Bernardy spoofed the over-the-top nature of Peta advertisements
with anti-vegan instead of anti-meat propaganda as seen in these 3 images.

And finally, here's A. Yang's project showing little still lifes with different Funco Pop figures.

This was a striking image printed 17x22" as seen in the opening images above!

If you are around campus, stop by the lower level of the Bush Student Center to see these prints for the next week or so!

Monday, April 18, 2022

Exhibition Photos from "4 a.m."

Here are some photos of my "4 a.m." exhibition that came down last month at Concordia University:

[click each image to enlarge]

Related Links:
- Announcing the exhibition
- My image on the college's mailer
- Hanging work
- The opening reception
- The gallery's photos from the opening

And click on the "Solo Exhibition" tag to see many more posts about the "4 a.m." exhibition.

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

Photography: "The Alignment of Fleeting Specificities"

Alec Soth posted something on Instagram recently that was worth saving and remembering. Here was the text, and the 2 images follow:



Tuesday, April 05, 2022

Friday, April 01, 2022

New Office Space

I recently just moved into my 6th office space at Hamline University. (Oh the life of an adjunct!) It's in a building at Hamline that I'd never been in:

Apparently, it's part of the old library. Who knew?

My space is just a temporary move in someone else's office who is on sabbatical (or just off-campus short-term) for the semester, so I can't really "move in" as I'll be giving it up by summer.

Hi, I'm Robin.

There's a mini-fridge back there as well as a microwave on the desk.

Wide angle shot.

The first day I got my key, I sat there and worked on a lecture for an upcoming class. As I worked, I realized I had a window... with a view?...

Catch me in the GLC if you're ever at Hamline this semester!

Here's a post about my previous office that I moved out of nearly a year ago. I'll enjoy office #6 for these next few months!