Friday, April 01, 2022

New Office Space

I recently just moved into my 6th office space at Hamline University. (Oh the life of an adjunct!) It's in a building at Hamline that I'd never been in:

Apparently, it's part of the old library. Who knew?

My space is just a temporary move in someone else's office who is on sabbatical (or just off-campus short-term) for the semester, so I can't really "move in" as I'll be giving it up by summer.

Hi, I'm Robin.

There's a mini-fridge back there as well as a microwave on the desk.

Wide angle shot.

The first day I got my key, I sat there and worked on a lecture for an upcoming class. As I worked, I realized I had a window... with a view?...

Catch me in the GLC if you're ever at Hamline this semester!

Here's a post about my previous office that I moved out of nearly a year ago. I'll enjoy office #6 for these next few months!

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