Thursday, March 23, 2023

Werk Ethic: The Work of Werner Design Werks

Concordia Gallery has a really interesting exhibition up through TODAY, so come check it out if you have a moment. It's a design exhibition called "Werk Ethic: The Work of Werner Design Werks." Here are a few photos I took last month:

The opening reception.

Some CVAers at the opening! Me, Rudy, Cory, Ian, Sarah, Liz, John, Abby, Carly, and Rosie.

I stopped by a few days later to walk through the show. It's a trip:

Old CVA branding.

That floppy on the wall contains CVA's "final identity" from 1995.

We all know that name!

Slightly older CVA branding.

Even OLDER "College of Associated Arts" branding (CAA became CVA).

And here are a few final shots that Concordia Gallery posted yesterday:

Check it out in the next 8 hours if you are nearby: 1301 Marshall Ave, Saint Paul, MN.

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