Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Concordia University Juried Exhibition

There’s an exhibition up at the Concordia Gallery for the next few days that closes out the school year. It’s a juried exhibition of student work. Every student from my Photo II and Advanced Photo classes had work accepted to the exhibition, so that was great news for them! Here are a few quick iPhone shots from around the gallery:

[Click each image to enlarge}

Down the hall from the gallery, there’s a spot with a few more pieces. It’s called the “Salon des Refusés:”

This "Tensegrity" table was made by one of my students. It's magical.

One of my former students won the $100 third prize, and one of my current students took home $500 for first! And I think there's at least one photograph of my students' in each of the photos above (including some from this printing post from last month). Congrats young artists! Happy end-of-the-semester!

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