Friday, September 04, 2009

“Practice - Profess” Opening

Last night was the “Practice - Profess” opening reception. I chatted with former students, other professors, and old friends for the majority of the show. When we were all being kicked out, I grabbed my point-and-shoot and snapped a few photos of the dark gallery. I know it’s not great for highlighting the work, but I enjoy this lighting much more than “gallery lighting:”

In the middle of the west wall, my piece was hung right next to the thermostat and security system:

I’m in an upcoming show at the Katherine E. Nash gallery at the University of Minnesota that opens in October. I’ll have more about that as the details come in. Thanks!


  1. Steve: I stopped by the gallery yesterday (9-3-09, around 6:30) to say hi but I didn't see you. -Marcus

  2. Hey Marcus! I was back in the Photo Studio for a bit - I must have just missed you!!


Any feedback or thoughts will be greatly appreciated. Thanks!