Saturday, March 02, 2013

My Work as part of the 'Voyages' Issue of the New York Times Magazine Website

As I explained in my last post, I was one of many photographers hired to do a nationwide project for the New York Times Magazine. But after shooting, the Times changed their idea to just be around the New York City area.

A few weeks after that (under a week ago), they opened it back up to anyone around the nation - they were going to feature more work on their website. Thursday night, I saw that one of my photos had made the cut - I was one of about 30 photographers included on their site, and I was among names like Walter Iooss and Gregory Heisler.

The NY Times Magazine website for their "Voyages" issue.

My image in the middle from along the Mississippi - an area I run by a few times a month.

Close up from the website.

A few more photos have since been added, so now there are 42 in the gallery. Check out the online "Local Voyages" project here, and look for the "Voyages" issue to come out this Sunday on newsstands.

Go to my last post to see everything I shot for this project.

And go here (and start scrolling down) to see details from the other 4 projects I've done over the years for the NY Times Magazine. I've had a few friends ask about my other projects for them recently.

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