Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Pecha Kucha Artist Lectures

CVA Action is hosting a night of PechaKucha artists lectures at Rosalux Gallery THIS SATURDAY, March 21, 2015.

From the CVA Action Facebook page:

What is a PechaKucha you ask?

PechaKucha is a simple presentation format of a set of 20 slide show images, each image advances automatically every 20 seconds as the presenter shares their work. We are thrilled to have 8 artists and designers who attended the College of Visual Arts in St. Paul, MN share a snapshot of their work since their CVA days!

PechaKucha presenters are DC Ice, Jamey Erickson, Abby Haddican, Joseph Kuefler, Ben Levitz, Jehra Patrick, Pascal Staub and the late Aaron Purmot, whose work will be presented by his colleague Marc Stephens.

See you there!

In addition to the quick 6 minute and 40 second presentations, we will have food from A La Plancha Taco Truck available for purchase, and beer from ENKI Brewing. Here's a photo from CVA Action on Instagram from earlier today:

Some of our growlers from @enkibrewing for our #PechaKucha talks Saturday night.

Here's a flyer we passed out at the "Reverberations" opening reception with brief bios on the presenters:

[click the flyer for a larger version]

To attend, you do NOT need to be someone who went to CVA. We're doing this as a way to highlight the great artists who came out of CVA. So come to this if you're interesting in hearing about designers, illustrators, printmakers, and arts administrators talk about their work and their life in the arts. Or simply come because you like Mexican food and beer.

Rosalux Gallery, Saturday night: 1400 Van Buren Street NE #195, Minneapolis, MN 55413. Here's our Facebook event page. See you there!

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