Monday, February 15, 2016

Studio Time: Framing and Matting Work

My 2 young boys were at my in-laws for the weekend, so I got some work done in my studio. I first did a lot of cleaning, sorting, and purging, and then I framed up 5 pieces for an upcoming exhibition at the Soeffker Gallery at Hamline University. Here's what the last few days of childless work looked like:

Picking up mat board at Tradewinds II in St Paul on Friday. They're a hole-in-the-wall sort of place,
but I've used them for YEARS. Check them out at 838 Smith Ave S Saint Paul, MN 55107.
651-290-2931. Tell them Steve Stenzel sent you.

Second trip to Ace Hardware. They mis-cut my glass the first time, so this nice man had to re-do it.
This is their awesomely funky "employee only" workroom / storeroom in the basement.

Saturday morning: ready to mat in my studio.

Not only is a headlamp SUPER attractive, but it also really
helps to spot schmutz or streaks on the glass when framing.

From my Instagram: "Studio time with the boys at Grandmas.
Matting and framing some pieces for an upcoming show."

Fine tuning some mats.

Four framed up, still needing the hanging hardware.

Sunday morning: putting on the hanging hardware before having to go pick up my boys.

I realized at the end of the weekend that I spent all those hours in my studio without any music or TV on. I guess that peace and quiet is a rare treat when you're usually hanging around with a 1 and 4-year-old.

Stay tuned for info about the exhibition next month. It looks like I'll be having 5 pieces shown. Check out last week's post about making prints for the exhibition.

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