Sunday, September 22, 2019

Photos from the "Not Accepted" Reception at the MPLS Photo Center

My boys and I stopped by the start of the opening at the MPLS Photo Center on Friday night. There was a good crowd right away, and it just got bigger! Here are a few photos:

[click each photo for a larger version]

View from the front door. That's my piece right up the steps!

I was given a good spot right as you get into the MPLS Photo Center. I had to laugh because the piece above mine was Erika Ritzel's - a friend from grad school:

My piece with Erika's piece above it.

Good crowd!

In the bigger space down the hallway.

My boys having a snack in the middle.

A final shot of my piece under Erika's in the hallway.

Here are a few photos of the new spaces at the MPLS Photo Center from when I dropped my piece off.

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