Thursday, September 12, 2019

Upcoming Exhibition at the MPLS Photo Center (and Touring Their New Space)

Yesterday, I stopped by the new space for the MPLS Photo Center. I hadn’t stopped in since they moved to 1828 Jefferson Street NE from their old spot off 94 and Broadway. Here’s my piece set on the floor for as I was delivering it for their upcoming exhibition:

Then I gave myself a little tour of their space. Here’s a dozen photos:

Shared kitchen space (reminds me of their old location).

A mixed-use room currently set up to seat 35 people for a lecture. Also can be used as a studio.

Another view of the lecture room.

Digital darkroom. (Click here for a larger version of this mini-panorama.)

Far end of the digital lab with a light table and scanning trays.

Proofing table and light table downstairs outside of the darkroom.
(That small space to the left appears to be a converted freight elevator.)

Outside the darkroom. One or 2 people were working down there, so I didn’t want to barge in and disturb them.

A large printing station in the basement.

Another view of that digi printing room with lots of banner prints on the table.

Back upstairs, the last space (besides office / meeting spaces) is
a gallery / teaching space / studio. It was currently being transitioned.

Backdrop paper currently sitting on that table.

A seamless mount up high in the process of being swapped out.

I didn’t get photos of all the spaces, but there’s a lot of exhibition space in the foyer and in hallways that lead to all these spaces on the first floor. I’m excited to see my work up here next weekend!

The opening is next Friday (September 20th) starting at 6:30 pm at 1828 Jefferson Street NE. I’m not sure when it ends (maybe around 8:00?), so I hope to be there shortly after 6:30 to check it out.

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