Sunday, August 30, 2020

New Teaching Gig

As I mentioned in a post a few weeks ago, I'm currently getting ready to start teaching at North Central University in downtown Minneapolis. I'll be teaching their photography course.

I snapped a selfie after I finished dropping off all my tax paperwork, background check info, direct deposit stuff, etc:

A corner of one of the Mac labs in a room we'll be using.

My official teaching station with large "glass board" for notes.

I think I'll actually be using a classrooom right around the corner from this one as it's more conducive to my style of lecturing and will work better / be easier to keep my students socially distant from one another. My class starts in 2 days! Adventure awaits!...

Tuesday, August 25, 2020

"International Exhibition 2020" at The Glasgow Gallery of Photography

I mentioned in my July "monthly challenge" post that I just had a piece accecpted to an international juried exhibition. It was called the "International Exhibition 2020" (or IE2020) at The Glasgow Gallery of Photography in Scotland. Here are a few photos of the installation from their Facebook page:

[click on each image to enlarge]

There's my image.

Again, mine's in the middle of the top row of "colorful" images right-of-center.

Visible again.

Mine in the top right.

This was the image on display. It was an image I made just last month of the Stone Arch Bridge, the Southeast Steam Plant, and the I-35W Bridge over the Mississippi River at 4:50 a.m., and now it's on display across the Atlantic:

I'd love to use this as an excuse to visit Scotland, but alas... COVID-19...

Friday, August 21, 2020

Overdue Photobooks

I checked out a few photo-related books earlier this year: 2 from my local public library in January, and 1 through inter-library loan at Hamline University in February. Well, then COVID-19 hit, and everything shut down. Just earlier this month (AUGUST!), I got notice that they were all finally due:

My 2 public library books.

The rare Daguerre book via inter-library loan.

They've all been returned, so all is right with the world again.

Here's more on one of those books from my first "monthly challenge" of the year.

Monday, August 10, 2020

Hamline Recognition

There was no "end of the school year gathering" at Hamline University, as the last "gathering" that took place there was pre-COVID back in March. So there was a slideshow sent out with a message from the University's President. In the "Faculty & Staff Recognitions" section, my name popped up for some recent exhibitions. Here are 4 slides from that slideshow:

Thursday, August 06, 2020

Monthly Challenge 7 of 12: Nothing Specific

Summer is being summer. I've taken my boys camping a few times. We visited my mother-in-law at her cabin. We spent some time with my Grandma in her cabin. (And we self-isolated for the 2 weeks between those trips to make sure we weren't going to pass COVID-19 onto my eldery Grandma.) And I've been getting a ton of house projects done.

But I didn't do anything specific for July's photography challenge.

But there are 2 things I can share:

First, I got a piece accepted to an international juried exhibition in Scotland later this month:

Email notice with an image made last month.
(Follow me on Instagram at PhotoStenzel to see recent work.)

And second, it looks like I'll be teaching at another university this fall (in addition to Hamline University).

More on both of those things shortly... once I have more info on both.

So even though July's official challenge might be a little of a let-down, I'm still super happy that I'm doing this "monthly challenge" thing for the year. It really keeps me churning for new goals, making new work, learning new things, reading new books, etc. EVEN IF I didn't do something super specific this past month.