Saturday, June 26, 2021

A 4 a.m. Piece in "Chase The Light"

Last weekend was the Photographic Center Northwest (PCNW)'s "Chase the Light" exhibition/fundraiser. People around the world submitted images they made over a 48 hour period in early June.

Notice the image on the right: that's mine! And it sold!

I went out and made some photos during the 4 a.m. hour in that 48 hour window, and they accepted this image of mine from along the Mississippi River:

Here's how it appeared on their website before it sold:

I actually went looking for my image in the fundraiser thinking I might purchase it myself, but I happily found it had already sold. Thanks for including me, Photographic Center Northwest!

I was also a part of this event/exhibition last year: I had submitted a few images from the 4 a.m. hour of images from after the riots in Minneapolis and from around the George Floyd memorial.

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