Thursday, June 24, 2021

Departmental Move

As an adjunct, I get moved around a lot. After the College of Visual Arts closed 8 years ago, I've been jumping around offices at Hamline University. But now, the Digital Media Arts Department is moving buildings, so it's time once again for me to clean out my office.

The hallway was filling up with trash and recycling as my colleagues were cleaning out their offices.

My personal corner of my old office.

Some 2-year-old pictures of my boys that had to come down.

My side of the office all cleaned out.

The other side of my shared office about 2/3s clean. She had a LOT of stuff - those shelves were all once full.

Peeking into the office I moved out of 2 years ago showed my recycling
hadn't been touched. I moved out of an office to let it sit empty. Oh well.

So I'm out of my 5th office at Hamline waiting on what my 6th will be.

I'm curious what our new space(s) will look like! My last classroom wasn't ideal for every DMA class, but it worked well for my photography courses. We'll see what the future holds!

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