Random photo-related musings along with my joys and woes as a photographer trying to manage teaching, making photos, family, and life.
Saturday, December 29, 2012
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Pictures and Words
The whole point of taking pictures is so that you don't have to explain things with words.- Elliott Erwitt
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 11:59 AM 0 comments
Labels: Elliott Erwitt, Quote
Saturday, December 01, 2012
Lion Steals Camera
Photographer Ed Hetherington just got back from a trip to Zimbabwe where he had an interesting experience. He set up his Canon 5D near an animal carcass in order to remotely snap some photos of lions feeding. This is what he captured:
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 8:13 AM 1 comments
Wednesday, November 14, 2012
Dumb Client Requests
The people at Sharp Suits designed posters with some of the dumbest feedback their clients have given them over the years. These are fantastic.
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 1:10 PM 1 comments
Saturday, October 27, 2012
Eve Arnold on Cameras
It is the photographer, not the camera, that is the instrument.- Eve Arnold
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 11:32 AM 0 comments
Labels: Quote
Thursday, October 18, 2012
Another Appearance on "Things Organized Neatly"
Two days ago, I posted 2 "cute" photos of fall colors. I submitted those photos to the popular tumblr site called Things Organized Neatly, and 1 was almost instantly published.
Here's how it looked on their site, along with all the likes, comments, and reblogs over the first 16 hours or so:
CLICK HERE to see my submission on Things Organized Neatly. (And click here to see my first photo on Things Organized Neatly from last October.)
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 8:47 PM 0 comments
Labels: Prettiness, Publicity, Things Organized Neatly
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
Fall Colors
My 16-month-old son and I were out playing in the yard this past weekend as it was misting. We had some fun with leaves while we were out there:
Serviceberry Leaves (click image to enlarge)
Japanese Barberry Leaves on Grandma Monica's Pumpkin (click image to enlarge)
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 6:47 AM 0 comments
Labels: Prettiness
Tuesday, October 09, 2012
The Girl With the Photoshop Tattoo
Have you seen this? Here's what designer Megan Orsi has to say about her tattoo:
When I was in high school, I spent every waking moment in Photoshop creating websites and collages for my favorite show, The X-Files (don’t laugh!). Thankfully, all of the time I spent paid off and now I’m able to use my Photoshop skills on a daily basis doing a job I love. Photoshop’s been a big part of my past, and now, it will always be a part of my future. Thanks, Adobe ;-)
Hope everyone enjoys the Photoshop Toolbar Tattoo =D
Here's the tattoo:
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 3:33 PM 0 comments
Labels: Funny, Inspiration, Photoshop, Tattoo
Thursday, October 04, 2012
"Everything The Light Touches..."
I found this recently on the revolving door at the CVA Photo Lab:
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 4:07 PM 0 comments
Sunday, September 30, 2012
Restoration of the First Color Film
The first moving picture captured in color 110 years ago has just been scanned and restored. It's an interesting process the photographer went through to create "color" images.
Lee and Turner's invention has always been regarded by film historians as a practical failure but it has now been 'unlocked' through digital technology, revealing the images produced by the process for the first time in over a hundred years.
Turner developed his complex three-colour process with support, first from Lee and then from the American film entrepreneur, Charles Urban. Using a camera and projector made by Brighton-based engineer Alfred Darling, Turner developed the process sufficiently to take various test films of colourful subjects such as a macaw, a goldfish in a bowl against a brightly striped background and his children playing with sunflowers, before his death in 1903 aged just 29. Urban went on to develop the process further with the pioneer film-maker George Albert Smith which resulted in the commercially successful Kinemacolor system, patented in 1906 and first exhibited to the public in 1909. Sadly, Turner's widow never received a penny from her husband's invention.
On discovering the film, Michael Harvey, Curator of Cinematography at the National Media Museum, worked with film archive experts Brian Pritchard and David Cleveland to reconstruct the moving footage in colour following the precise method laid out in Lee and Turner's 1899 patent. They turned to experts at the BFI National Archive who were able to undertake the delicate work of transforming the film material into digital files, and so the team were able to watch these vivid colour moving pictures for the first time, over one hundred years since they had been made.
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 12:13 PM 0 comments
Friday, September 28, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop
The idea of "photographic truth" has always interested me. I wrote my MFA Thesis (entitled "What's So Documentary About Photography?") on photographers from the 1900s through the 1940s working under the guise of making "truthful documentary images," even though they were able to create images that fit their needs perfectly - whether "truthful" or not. I was wanting to show that photographic images considered to be "truth" need to be questioned... even before Photoshop.
The MET has a new show that is along these lines. It's not exactly what I was writing about, but it deals with old faked imagery:
In the first major exhibition of its kind, New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art has collected some 200 visually captivating photographs taken between the 1840s and 1990s - all of which have been manipulated.
'Faking It: Manipulated Photography Before Photoshop' is devoted to the history of manipulated photography before the digital age and traces the medium’s complex and changing relationship to visual truth.
Here are a few images from the exhibition:
Dream No. 1: 'Electrical Appliances for the Home' by Grete Stern ca. 1950 Gelatin silver print
Man Juggling His Own Head: De Torbéchet, Allain & C. ca. 1880 by Saint Thomas D'Aquin Albumen silver print
Lenin and Stalin: Unknown Artist, Russian 1949 Gelatin silver print with applied media
A Powerful Collision: Unknown Artist, German School 1910s Gelatin silver print
Hearst Over The People: 1939 by Barbara Morgan
Room with Eye: 1930 by Maurice Tabard and Roger Parry Gelatin silver print
Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec as Artist and Model: 1892 by Maurice Guibert Gelatin silver print
Fading Away: Henry Peach Robinson 1858 Albumen silver print from glass negatives
Dirigible Docked on Empire State Building: Unknown Artist, American 1930 Gelatin silver print
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 7:33 AM 0 comments
Labels: Exhibitions, History, News, Photoshop
Friday, September 07, 2012
The Hipster Alphabet
This is fantastic. And true.
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 10:40 AM 0 comments
Labels: Funny
Monday, August 27, 2012
Speed Graphic at the London Olympics
Renowned large-format photographer David Burnett was spotted with his Speed Graphic at the 2012 Olympics.
David Burnett/Contact Press Images
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 4:36 PM 0 comments
Labels: News
Saturday, August 11, 2012
"The Only Easy Day Was Yesterday"
[Watching the Summer Olympics finally made me want to publish this...]
"The only easy day was yesterday" is a motto of the Navy SEALs.
This idea applies to my own life as a triathlete, as it does for many athletes, because it doesn't matter how hard my workout was yesterday - that was my "easy day." Today, I have to train harder and push my limits even more.* I chose this motto as the title of my first series in which my dual passions for TRIATHLON and PHOTOGRAPHY collide.
I picked up my camera on a random June morning in 2010 and called that "Day 1." My goal was to make a photo on every training day. The idea was simply an exercise: let's see if I can make interesting / beautiful / compelling images during (what often feels like) my daily training grind.
Since Day 1, exciting things have happened in my athletic life. I have raced my fastest Olympic Distance Triathlon (2:15:37). For the first time, I worked with a coach, who helped me reach my goal of a sub-60:00 10 Mile. During this time, my “daily training grind” has taken me to amazing places - some I wasn’t sure I would ever reach.
The images in this series are meant to give a little glimpse into my life of multi-sport training. I had a few self-imposed rules as I started shooting this project, but they evolved as I made more images. The training itself is usually quite fast-paced, so many of these images usually capture the calm moments just before or after the workout. Often you'll see me, my wife, or other friends reveling in that feeling of accomplishment that fills an athlete after a hard workout. These are the moments that athletes train for.
The only easy day was yesterday.
Day 1: 6/4/10: Tempo swim.
Day 2: 6/5/10: Long ride. Calm winds, but a few sprinkles.
Day 3: 6/6/10: Relaxing in the shade after a long run. Last long run before next weekend's oly tri.
Day 5: 6/8/10: Sarah coming to the finish of her first Time Trial.
Day 8: 6/11/10: Easy open water swim to get ready for tomorrow's race.
Day 13: 6/16/10: Foot still really sore, so just did some weights at the Y.
Day 15: 6/18/10: After icing my sore foot in an icy stream in southern WI while camping with my in-laws.
Day 19: 6/22/10: Dangling my feet off of Stout's Island pre-swim.
Day 20: 6/23/10: Celebrating my first non-wetsuit open water swim of the year with a post-swim cannonball.
Day 22: 6/25/10: Chatting in Square Lake after taking Matt for his first open water swim.
Day 26: 6/29/10: Sarah running intervals at dusk as I stretched on the in-field.
Day 34: 7/7/10: First lap around Square Lake without my wetsuit. Beautiful swim.
Day 37: 7/10/10: After a 1-mile open water swim in Lake Monona with 50 other people
in the location of the Ironman Wisconsin swim.
Day 42: 7/15/10: Catching my breath after a long run on a hot evening.
Day 43: 7/16/10: Hot ride. Two bottles of water gone in no time. New fat-wrap worked great.
Day 46: 7/19/10: Collapsed on the porch after a hard, hilly tempo run.
Day 47: 7/20/10: Hopping in Lake Independence for an evening open water swim.
Day 54: 7/27/10: After Sarah and I finished our evening open water swim in Lake Mary.
Day 65: 8/7/10: Pre-swim.
Day 77: 8/19/10: On Summit Ave after a hilly (and sweaty) run.
Day 79: 8/21/10: View down the road after my foggy 7 mile run.
Day 86: 8/28/10: In an ice bath after a long run.
Day 112: 9/23/10: The back of my shirt after running fartleks down the middle of Summit Ave in the pouring rain.
Posted by Steve Stenzel at 10:06 AM 3 comments
Labels: New Work
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